Collection: Toothbrushes

Pet Toothbrushes 

We have a collection of varied Toothbrushes to suit most dogs and cats.

Choose from:

Small Dogs & Cats - finger brushes,  360 degree brushes, silicon & double sided toothbrush 

Larger Dogs - Bamboo, double sided toothbrush

Like human Toothbrushes, always rinse and allow to dry completely after use.

Replace once worn & shaggy

Use with Pet Only Toothpaste 

Human Toothpaste can be toxic for our Pet's due to the foaming agents & xylitol added.

You may need to experiment with what type works for your pet. 

With every Dental product ordered,  we do include either a finger brush or double sided toothbrush. 

Free Toothbrushes picked at random from our collection

We highly recommend brushing daily, but of course that's not always possible. 

So combine with our Pet Dental Spray & Seaweed Dental Powder for best results.

Happy Teeth Brushing